Employer Matching Programs

Many companies have Employer Matching donation programs.  Some match the dollar amount that an employee donates to a non-profit organization and some employers even have additional donation programs that pay for hours an employee volunteers their time to a non-profit.

Below are some of the companies that have given matching donation funds to FastFriends Greyhound Adoption.  There are also links for a more complete list of companies, so that you can look to see if your employer has a participating program.  If you don't see your company listed, please contact the Human Resources department at your employer to inquire if they have a donation matching program.



Price Waterhouse


Northrop Grumman


Edward Lifesciences


Top Matching Gift Companies    List of Companies with Donation Matching Program

Top Volunteer Grant Companies     Companies providing grants to nonprofits when employees volunteer

Alphabetical List of Companies

20 Top Matching Gift Companies