As a non-profit corporation, we rely on donations to feed and house retired racing greyhounds, and to cover the costs of emergency veterinary care. Your donations of the following items are gratefully accepted: money, dog food, crates (portable kennels that house a single dog), veterinary care, advertising, printing and publishing. No donation is too small.
We are an all volunteer organization. We have no paid employees. Any money you donate goes straight to helping greyhounds.
100% of donations made here go to charity, no deductions, no fees
Click on PayPal button above, then select or input the dollar amount and select “donate now” button and login with your PayPal account. No fees will be charged to you or FastFriends Greyhound Adoption.
Become a Member
Our membership drive is our biggest fundraiser. It brings in funds that are needed to help more retired greyhounds. Every level of membership makes a difference!